Oak Valley Community Bank
Eastern Sierra Community Bank

Savings Accounts

Choose the accounts that sound best for you, based on the information below, and click Apply Now to get started. It’s quick, easy, and generally takes 15 minutes or less to complete the process.

Our Most Popular Savings Accounts

The following account types can be opened online.
If you're looking for something else, contact our friendly branch staff for more information.


Our Money Market Account is a high-yield interest bearing money market account. The account is tiered, so the more you save the higher the rate of interest you will earn. Money Markets are perfect for customers with limited check-writing needs who want to earn a competitive interest rate.


Start saving with a traditional savings account. Unlimited ATM and in-branch withdrawals. You can also make up to six free withdrawals or transfers by pre-authorized, automatic, or telephone per month (statement cycle). Minor Savings Accounts are also available for children under 18 years of age.

Tiered interest rates and easy access to your funds. Start saving today with a low minimum balance.
Minimum Opening Deposit $50 $50
Monthly Service Charge $10 $51
Balance To Avoid Monthly Service Charge $2,500 minimum daily balance $100 minimum daily balance
Excess Activity Fee2 $10 $4
Additional Terms N/A N/A
Interest Bearing
Tiered Rate of Return
Unlimited ATM & In-Branch Withdrawals